Thursday, November 8, 2018

Let It Go!

We often go through life holding on to past hurts, past failures, past mistakes, past guilt, and past relationships only to discover what we are holding on to what has actually let us go. We spend years mad and bitter with ourselves, others, and just life period when we don't have to go through life like that. If we would just LET IT GO, you can live a victorious life. When you hold on to what your mother did or what your father didn't do, what your ex boyfriend did or what your ex wife didn't do, we frustrate happiness and contentment in life.

The question becomes, in light of letting go, the question has to become how do I know if I'm still holding on? If you can't speak when you see them, you have not let go. If you always recall what they've done to you 20 years ago and have it all dated and cataloged, you have not let go. If you still find yourself on the run avoiding the very people who know your failures, mistakes, guilt, you have not let go. If the Lord has convicted, changed and converted the one who made the offense against you and now he or she is walking for God and you can't rejoice with them or support them with your presence or prayers, you have not let go.

The bad thing is we are still holding on to what has actually let us go. When we hold on we become bitter and bitterness is like a cancer, it eats us up from the inside out. Beloved, I beg you to let it go. LET THE HURT GO! LET THE PAST FAILURES GO! LET THE MISTAKES GO! LET THE GUILT GO! LET THAT EXBOYFRIEND GO, LET THAT EXWIFE GO! LET YOUR FATHERS ABSENCE GO! LET YOUR MOTHERS MISTREATMENT OF YOU GO! LET IT GO, LET IT GO, LET IT GO!

Be Encouraged!